Was born in Tiraspol. His biggest childhood passion has always been drawing. Was the winner in all the art competitions, that allowed him in the future to enter Art academy without exams. During his study he showed himself very well in all the subjects: sculpture, art, sketching, history of art. He graduated from the Academy with the medal.
Worked as an artist cartoonist in the local newspaper.
In 2000 moving to Moscow, Russia. Continued his studies and been introduced to The Russian Fashion House, where he acted as a personal assistant, presenter and director of Slava Zaitsev fashion house.
In 2007 moving to London with his exhibition, falls in love with this country and it’s culture and decides to stay here to live and work.
Collaborated with few London galleries. Had his exhibitions in embassies, cultural centres.
Recently he is a freelance artist. He is a collector himself as well as restorer.
He is making his own research in the field of art history.

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"Some say they see poetry in my paintings; I see only science." Georges Seurat